Tips for watering the garden

  • water before 10am or after 4pm
  • it takes 1 to 1.5 hour to water the garden. It’s better to water deeply twice a week in hot weather, than water a little bit everyday. Stick your finger in the soil and make sure it’s moist 2 inches down at least.This encourages the roots to grow deeply so the plants will be stronger.
  • The plants on the border are easier to water with a watering can than a hose. The kids like to help with this! If these plants get a good watering once every 2 weeks, they will survive.
  • If something is ready to be eaten, pick it and  enjoy!

The Schedule:

Everybody signs up for 2 weeks. The first week you will water with someone who has watered before, the next week you are the “lead” helping someone else. You can come on your own or meet up with your partner. Email or call your partner to arrange when you will water. Remember it’s better for our garden to water deeply once or twice a week for at least an hour, than to do little bits each day.

Email for more info on watering the Garibaldi Garden in 2010.

One Response to “Watering the Garden”

  1. […] The watering guide. We had a bbq in June to kick off the summer garden care, and asked families to sign up for a shift. From there it was a like a phone tree. It worked great. The next year the garden committee also hosted an end of season party. I work for Farm to School BC and recommend this simple watering system for parent groups all the time. […]

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