White Dutch Clover

Some of what comes up on its own in our pathways is great for the garden, like White Dutch Clover. Bees love it and where there are bees, food follows.  Some folks plant it in pathways instead of woodchips or the like. What would you like on the pathways of our garden?

Red Clover

Red Clover

Red clover is actually more pinky-purple. European and aboriginal herbalists value this highly as a blood cleanser. Do Chinese herbalists use it too?

You grow girl!

You grow girl!

Crystal has to be at least 6 feet tall.  Our sunflowers were spectacular all summer. If we leave the stalks standing, the birds will feast on their seeds this fall.   Their droppings will add to the organic material which feeds our soil. We can also harvest and roast some for snacks for us too. Yeah sunflowers!

Raspberry patch year 1

We didn’t expect the raspberries to fruit this year but there are more ripe everyday. Next year is going to be tasty.


You have to be quick to find a ripe berry before these three fans.