
Last year a boy scarecrow stood watch over the garden.  This year we have a fashionista with lots of sparkles and jangles.  Hopefully she scares away the crows and doesn’t attract them!  Any ideas for names?

The parents have done some fundraising to buy picnic tables for the Garibaldi Garden.  Many of you looked at the catalogue with the pictures of the metal tables that are covered with plastic.  Most of the students really liked the colour red for the tables. 

Another thought is to get cement tables like the ones on the other side of the school.  They have lasted a long time and they have flat surfaces so we can write, paint, and do crafts on them easily.

What do YOU think?

Our butternut tree is in trouble.  I suspect that Lyra’s dad is correct that the soil base is too small to sustain the tree.  Any ideas about relocation or what we should do with this tree.  It looks to me like it’s dying,