Harry's business plan

Hello everyone. My name is Harry and on Friday I went to an event called Table Matters that was about ways to grow and share food with with everyone on the North Shore.

I did a rough sketch about a compost project and once I looked at it I jumped 10000000 meters in the air!!!!!!!! (it was kinda hard to breathe.) It was a piece of genius!!! A piece of art!!!

I’ll explain how it works:

First you get a volunteer to find some worms (bigger is better!!!) and put them in a bike cart, and then go around collecting food scraps. Then the worms transform the food scraps into compost. When there is a good amount of compost you can go into town and sell it to gardeners!

The only thing that could go wrong is the city (for many reasons, like political problems or laws.) This could go 🙂 or 😦

What do you think? Remember to comment!

P.S. First 5 commenters (from Garibaldi School) will get a pack of sunflower seeds.

P.P.S. (this is my mom) Thank-you to Harmony Garden on the Capilano Reserve for the seeds. The Harmony Garden is growing food and medicine to promote healthy living. The gardeners are also working to restore the estuary because gardens need healthy wild places to thrive.